Marketing marketing. That’s right! There is no typo error in the title. I would like to discuss how marketing (the degree) should be marketed (the strategy) in many universities in the Philippines. If schools were to produce competent and capable graduates in marketing, they must consider what is truly relevant for industry (the demand side) versus what they are offering […]
Search Results for: Business
Schools can benefit from changing their perspective with regards to how they operate. The following cases will show that even schools have something to learn. The Zero Moment-of-Truth Over a decade ago, I volunteered to help my eldest son look for a computer school and was told by one popular school that while they offered computer courses and was definitely […]
We ran a quick survey with some of the marketing management winners of Mansmith Young Market Masters Awards (YMMA) on the ‘hirability’ of fresh graduates in their respective companies. We thank the ff. for answering our questions — 1) Lester Estrada, country marketing manager for total hair care of P&G (fresh from his stint in P&G Japan), 2) Candice Iyog, […]
Q1: Cisco is number one in 14 out of 17 product categories and a close second in the remaining 3 worldwide in the IT industry. What directions or factors have you identified to attain this remarkable performance? Cisco is the only company with market share leadership across all industry segments that we are engaged in. That is the result of […]
Q1: Why is Private Equity (PE) better than getting bank loans, crowd sourcing or getting friends/relatives as partners? A: PE has its strengths and draw backs and ultimately it is up to the Sponsors/ owners of the business to assess whether they see a fit with an outside party investor and their overall strategy and funding requirement. If the Sponsor is simply looking for low cost credit […]
I met Dexter Chee Ah about a decade ago when he asked for a meet-up to explore the possibility of him becoming a speaker and marketing consultant at Mansmith and Fielders Inc. He came prepared with an endorsement letter from no less than Dr. Eduardo Roberto, his professor at the Asian Institute of Management. He must have made an impression on the hard-to-impress Ned, one of the […]
Q1: What is IdeaSpace? Why was it set up? What is its vision? A: IdeaSpace is aimed to help grow a Philippine economy through science and technology. We were set-up by the First Pacific Group of Companies to foster a spirit of technopreneurship in the country and encourage more young people to consider becoming entrepreneurs, engineers and scientists. The goal […]
Last July 2012, I was blessed to be invited to speak at both the Asiannovation Conference of the Philippine Marketing Association (PMA), and the Franchise Asia Convention of the Philippine Franchise Association (PFA). I talked about marketing innovation in PMA while I talked about premium branding in PFA. In both talks, though I presented several marketing case studies, there was […]
Q1: Your name is synonymous to volleyball. Yet, your first love was basketball. What life lessons have you learned shifting from basketball to volleyball? A: I’ve learned that you have to accept the realities in your life and make the most out of what you have. At that time, we didn’t have a basketball team in high school and I […]
(An anniversary tribute to my late dad, Dr. Charles Gosingtian) Rich girl, poor boy is often the theme of many movies, and it is the story of my mom and dad. Dad was a market vendor at age 11. His maternal uncle helped him with his study money. He struggled but he succeeded in being a student leader. He often […]