Many products have a low market penetration rate, typically in single-digit or in low double digits. With this comes the question on whether marketers are focusing their activities on the minority of the market or whether they have the right marketing mix and business model in the first place to attract a much wider audience. There is a big difference […]


Edgar Sia II, better known as Injap, started Mang Inasal in Iloilo City in 2003. For his successful expansion and pioneering concept of the Filipino barbeque fast-food chain, he was awarded, among many others, the Mansmith Young Market Masters Award (YMMA) in 2009. In 2010, Jollibee acquired 70% of the company for P3 billion. Injap then focused on another start-up, […]

Every year, I would give a talk about Market-Driving Strategies to outstanding graduating student leaders attending the MarkProf’s annual Marketing Leadership Bootcamp. For application, participants were asked to decode the market creation strategies of a product of their choice, using the Market-Driving Strategies framework, concept, tools and templates introduced by Mansmith and Fielders. Despite being young with practicum as their […]

Josiah Go features the movers and shakers of the business world and writes about marketing, strategy, innovation, execution and entrepreneurship
