(Note: This Q&A was originally featured on March 27, 2015 with update provided on April 29, 2022) Cebuana Lhuillier is in the Guinness World Record as the largest chain of pawnshops in the world with some 3000 outlets, bigger than many banks combined, serving mostly – the ordinary “unbanked” population. Its president and CEO, Jean Henri Lhuillier was a recipient […]

The Primer Group’s core businesses are in retail and distribution of 150 premium consumer and travel brands in outdoor, travel, footwear, fashion, action sports, wellness and urban lifestyle.  They have over 350 stores in over a dozen countries. It has diversified into industrial products and services offering green solutions, with businesses in air-conditioning and energy management, full-scale printing and manufacturing, […]

Below are eight questions related to innovation, answerable with either “true” or “false.” Go ahead and answer them to test your Innovation IQ. 1. Innovation is the modern term for invention. 2. Innovation refers to the newness of something a company has launched. 3. The higher the R&D budget, the more innovative a company is. 4. The higher the number […]

Roberto G Manabat is the Founder and former Chairman/CEO of KPMG R. G. Manabat & Co., a member firm of KPMG International. He was formerly a member of KPMG International’s global council, as well as the Asia-Pacific Board of KPMG International. He was also a former chairman of the Auditing & Assurance Standards Council, the auditing standard-setter in the Philippines. […]

Money is a legal tender used as payment in a transaction and serves as a medium of exchange, as well as a measure of value. While there are many forms of money, as well as different currencies, it is worthwhile to remember the concept of the product life cycle (PLC): that new products tend to make old products obsolete. One […]

Neil Trinidad, currently Chief Marketing Officer of Lazada Philippines, won the Mansmith Young Market Masters Awards (YMMA) in 2012. In this interview, he shares about the rapid growth of ecommerce. Neil will provide more inputs at the 12th Market Masters Conference on June 15-16, 2021.  Q1: How are marketing and distribution evolving in your clients’ organizations?  A1: The pandemic has accelerated the growth of […]

I enjoyed running three batches of my Business Model class last February 2021. I never had so many batches within the same month since my first class in 2010.  I conducted pre-tests and trained business model mentors from the Go Negosyo Movement on the need to expand business models to 11 building blocks from their existing 9. I also trained […]

When I formulated the 7-step process of Market-Driving Strategy in 2009, the 7th step was to convert a compelling market-driving strategy into a compelling business model. Thus, I launched the Mansmith Business Model Map the next year as a next in sequence to the Market-Driving Strategy, with a well-received Business Model Innovation seminar eventually running on June 24 – 25, 2010. It was so successful, we […]

Josiah Go features the movers and shakers of the business world and writes about marketing, strategy, innovation, execution and entrepreneurship
