Q1: Pioneer is the market leader in hybrid corn in the Philippines. How has the industry been changing in the last decade? A: Pioneer continues to be at the forefront of innovation in both its product offerings and services. We’ve seen a tremendous amount of productivity improvement driven by an accelerated technology adoption over the last 5-7 years. Farmers shifted […]

Q5: You have launched the BDJ Beauty Box. Is this your response to seasonality in your planner business A: We launched BDJ Box, our online beauty discovery service for women, in our desire to help our 30,000 plus members to explore their own definitions of beauty. Feeling beautiful and relating it to confidence has been an increasing concern of our […]

In my previous article (Why Businesses Fail), I explained that businesses fail when lacking in at least one of these four factors: Product-Market, People, Peso, and Prayers. This article will focus on some of the possible remedies A Product-Market deficiency arises when there is a lack of brand relevance. To be relevant is to have a clear target market that […]


There was a frantic call one morning. The man on the other side reminded me that we met in one of the marketing and innovation conferences he attended where I, together with some colleagues from Mansmith and Fielders, Inc. spoke. He then pleaded I should make time to meet him the same day – – his wife was about to […]

At the height of typhoon Yolanda a year ago (2013), I was sick and immobilized at home but I felt I had to do something to help those affected by the storm. Having initiated fund raising campaigns in the past for Zamboanga Fund for Little Kids (original name was Yellow Boat of Hope Foundation) and the Godparents Program of Markprof Marketing Leadership Bootcamp […]

Josiah Go features the movers and shakers of the business world and writes about marketing, strategy, innovation, execution and entrepreneurship
