Christian Lim is Country COO of Microsoft Philippines. He is a recipient of the Mansmith Young Market Masters Awards for the year 2012 when he was connected with PLDT. He shares his insights about digital transformation, which he defined as driving people empowerment, operational efficiency, differentiated customer engagement and business model transformation through digital technology. Q1: Between the CMO and […]


The practice of brand management started with the classic memo by Harvard-trained Neil McElroy of Procter and Gamble (P&G) in 1931 while he was working on the advertising of the Camay brand. Eventually, he became the president of P&G and was also known to have served as a Secretary of Defense of U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower. Brand management was created […]


Leandro Leviste is the President and CEO of Solar Philippines, a company he founded in 2013 and is today’s largest solar company in Southeast Asia’s. He shares the business model and strategy of Solar Philippines Q1: On Target Market – What made you choose the commercial / industrial segment over the residential segment first? A: Commercial projects have economies of […]


Chiqui and I are grateful our newly launched book ‘Principles and Practices in Marketing in the Philippine Setting’ made it as a National Book Store bestseller at no. 4 (no. 1 among business books). For those unable to follow my social media, I am sharing photos of my one week book tour in Davao and Cebu last Jan. 8-12, 2018. […]

Red ocean Many brick-and-mortar supermarkets are in the red ocean — a market space where stores are constantly fighting against each other to win existing customers. As they aspire to be the preferred store, they usually resort to launching price and promo deals in predictable intervals. Unfortunately, the transactional norm of offering lower prices will not be sustainable, unless they […]


MarkProf ( is the only alumni facilitated, longest running, and free 8-day marketing training program for college students nationwide. Each year, close to 1,000 graduating student leaders with a minimum grade of 85 apply for 1 of only 25 slots. Classes start in October yearly, and are held weekly on Saturdays. MarkProfers are graded based on the quality of their […]


Reach, in the context of online marketing, allows content to be seen by different people. But reach, which is actually the number of followers or ‘unique visitors’ in a given period, is not necessarily influence. When brands tap influencers who are not actual users of the product, the credibility of the influencer and trust for the brand are affected because […]


Introduction: By now, my friends would know that education is an advocacy and a passion closest to my heart, the reason why I keep attending international conferences as well as sharing knowledge by writing articles for my blog, newspapers and books.  These books were written for marketing practitioners and entrepreneurs, mostly based on our experiences and knowledge gathered for several […]

Josiah Go features the movers and shakers of the business world and writes about marketing, strategy, innovation, execution and entrepreneurship
