My top article in 2016 is a blog exclusive feature on Philippines’ youngest U.S. dollar billionaire Edgar “Injap” Sia where he shared with me his graduation speech delivered at the University of San Agustin. This article was, in turn, shared by the readers reinforcing the increasing acceptance of entrepreneurs as rock stars and modern day heroes. Injap also topped my Q&A readership in 2015.
My 2nd top article in 2016 is about the Eat Bulaga TV Show. I have decoded the reasons for the show’s phenomenal rise in my two earlier articles in 2015 but saw the plummeting of the number of households watching just a few months after. My article on the changing dynamics of drugstore industry and the weakness of the loyalty card of the market leader, Mercury Drug was equally well received.
Finally, my only daughter, life + style travel blogger Tricia Gosingtian, is getting married in January 2017 and I shared the feelings of a father (also a blog exclusive). This was surprisingly well received as I am known to write about marketing and innovation, not about parenting or love.
My top 10 articles are:
1) Edgar Sia is Youngest Filipino Billionaire (blog exclusive)
2) The Eat Bulaga Plateau and How They Can Get out of It
3) Of Loyal Customers and Hostages in the Drugstore Industry
4) Father of the Blogger Bride-to-Be (blog exclusive)
5) Trends and Predictions for 2016 and Beyond (by Josiah Go and Chiqui Escareal-Go)
6) Suppliers Today, Competitors Tomorrow
7) How to Recover Your Investment in Binary Plan
8) Strategy and Execution
9) 10 Reasons Why Market Leaders Fear Innovation
10) Profiting from Customer Dissatisfaction
I also wrote 2 non-marketing articles that were well received in case you missed them.
1) Spotlight: The Child Sex Abuse Movie (blog exclusive)
2) 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Yellow Boat of Hope (blog exclusive)
I thank Philippine Daily Inquirer, Philippines No. 1 broadsheet for their continuing interest to cross post the content of my blog every Friday. I am grateful.