In my previous article (7 Consumer Coping Behaviors of the Unemployed), I shared how revenues and volume can be affected by a recession, especially with a record-breaking 45.5% or 27.3 million (SWS, July 2020) Filipinos unemployed during this unprecedented pandemic (Government estimate was 10% or 4.6 million). Now, this article will suggest a potential way to create new revenues and profit, […]

Austerity Marketing is marketing to consumers who do not want to spend, such as in an economic downturn. It is the natural behavior of consumers to be a lot more conservative during a recession, but marketers still have a mandate to satisfy the changing needs of the consumers while simultaneously growing their brand profitably. The biggest myth, however, is that […]

Have you ever experienced closing down a business? Losing money to fraud?  A painful break up in a personal or professional relationship? Being involved in a major car accident? Being sexually abused as a child? Being betrayed by someone you trusted?  There are too many devastating incidents to mention, but their commonality is that they are traumatic events in one’s life that […]

Six marketing and sales experts will share the new realities of the new normal in the 2nd Mansmith Brand Summit which premiers on July 8, 2020 via the online platform of Continuum Academy, where  learning can happen “at your own time, at your own pace, in your own place”.   The Summit  entitled “New Realities in Marketing“ will still be available after premier date, in case marketers and entrepreneurs […]

Continuum Academy Inc., the online learning subsidiary of Mansmith and Fielders Inc., was launched last March 19, 2020 with its maiden offering, a free course on “Marketing During Corona Virus”.   Over three thousand marketers and entrepreneurs were in attendance despite having only a two day-notice. While going into online digital learning was already in the pipeline of Mansmith as one […]

It began with an infrastructure – a Viber group that allowed over 100 Acropolis homeowners to communicate about things of interest to the community, some of which required fast decision making, or needing discussion on important matters that affected every one. Eventually, more and more homeowners were asking each other for referrals in that online community, leading to the offering […]

North Ridge Foods exports, distributes, and promotes Filipino fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) in North America. Exclusively distributing for companies and brands that include San Miguel Purefoods, Nagaraya, Barrio Fiesta, Unilever, Lemon Square, NutriAsia, Boy Bawang, Saranggani Bay, WOW Mani, SABA Seafood, and Goldilocks, among many others, the company creates an international presence for Filipino brands while giving Filipino and Asian […]

Josiah Go features the movers and shakers of the business world and writes about marketing, strategy, innovation, execution and entrepreneurship
