Q1: What made you offer a 10 minute massage for P55? Was it part of an original package when you started or did it become a subsequent offering as a traffic builder? A: I offered our 10-min Express Massage (dry massage, no oil) to be a “tingi” or “sachet” service. We wanted to increase Mont Albo first timers and entice […]

Q1: Pioneer is the market leader in hybrid corn in the Philippines. How has the industry been changing in the last decade? A: Pioneer continues to be at the forefront of innovation in both its product offerings and services. We’ve seen a tremendous amount of productivity improvement driven by an accelerated technology adoption over the last 5-7 years. Farmers shifted […]

Q: The worldwide advocacy group, Government Trafficking In Person (GTIP), has ranked the Philippines no. 1 in Asia on compliance of anti-human trafficking since 2010, how was the Immigration Bureau able to do that? A: TEAM EFFORT. Our country’s anti trafficking campaign requires the participation of several agencies. BI only gets involved when the victims or the traffickers are found […]

Q1: Question to PRA President & Duty Free COO Lorenzo Formoso: What regulatory changes are affecting retailing in the Philippines? “The Retail Trade Liberalization Act has been the most pertinent government regulation affecting the Philippine retail industry especially now that there are a lot of foreign brands coming in to the country. This Act protects Filipino retailers and at the […]

Q1: Congratulations! Piandre is celebrating its 28th anniversary this year. What made Piandre last this long? A: My mom, Linda Francisco, founder of Piandre Salons, has many secrets to success – one of which is her idea of a Total Development Program which involves training in skills, character building and most importantly Spiritual Development. I think Piandre is one of […]

Josiah Go features the movers and shakers of the business world and writes about marketing, strategy, innovation, execution and entrepreneurship


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