Mansmith Launches Quick Guides on Marketing, Sales, Operations and Leadership

In June 2017, I launched a pioneering seminar “5 Skills of Master Strategists” after finding commonalities in the successful approaches of CEOs when in comes to strategy formulation and execution. The 5 skills are sensemaking, innovating, influencing, executing and discovering.

I started interviewing CEOs, CMOs and award-winning young marketers in my blog since May 9, 2014, although I have featured dozens of prominent people in some of my books years before that.

These 5 interconnected capabilities provided a framework for market leadership and excellence and these are: seeing things differently, thinking differently, creating offers differently, connecting differently and doing things differently.

Enter COVID pandemic in early 2020, priorities have changed! Many of our customers and even non-customers contacted me for help. Many have been asking for my opinion. I realized that they need to understand what is going on for without strong sensemaking skills, they will miss other aspects of survival and recovery. Without meeting these prerequisites, they will delay growth for their companies.

Entrepreneurs and marketers need help, to learn, to get facts, as well as opinions, fast and cheaply. They need to save time and cost, to recover and emerge stronger. Mansmith CEO Chiqui Escareal-Go was fully supportive when we launched a new learning category known as “quick guides” — a direct-to-the-point guide to the most frequently asked questions – decoding patterns, showing examples and frameworks, giving practical advise, and simplifying concepts to layman’s terms from experts.

Take a look at some of the Quick Guides available

  1. Quick Guide on New Marketing Strategies in the New Normal by Quennie Cua
  2. Quick Guide on Insights Mastery by Quennie Cua
  3. Quick Guide on Value Creation by Quennie Cua
  4. Quick Guide on Low Cost Social Media Advertising by Albet Buddahim
  5. Quick Guide on Digital Marketing During Tubulent Times by Donald Lim
  6. Quick Guide on Digital Experiential Marketing by Ramon Barredo
  7. Quick Guide on Business Development by Malu Dy Buncio
  8. Quick Guide on Effective Story Selling by Ramon Barredo
  9. Quick Guide on Disruptions and Business Continuity Planning by Imelda Lim
  10. Quick Guide on Operations Management by Imelda Lim
  11. Quick Guide to Leaders in Emotional Journey: Coping in the New Normal by Louie Migne

Plus a FREE briefing from Atty Dennis Chan of Bernardo Placido Chan & Lasam Law Offices on “Legal and Recovery Remedies for MSMEs During and After Covid

On behalf of Mansmith and Fielders Inc., we are glad to be of service and help you do a better and faster job differently and at the least cost and time. Please visit to access dozens of short courses available at Continuum Academy, the online learning subsidiary of Mansmith and Fielders Inc.

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Entrepreneurship in the New Normal: Growing from Failures

Thu May 7 , 2020
P168 only for a limited time9 videos and 13 reflection exercises Most entrepreneurs are suffering because of Covid and the ECQ. The lack of revenues but ongoing costs will force them to make choices before cash run dry. I have created an online seminar to help entrepreneurs make deliberate choices, not impulsive ones. The content of this seminar is based […]

Josiah Go features the movers and shakers of the business world and writes about marketing, strategy, innovation, execution and entrepreneurship


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