Q1. You have recently taken over the day-to-day operation of Microdata from your father. How did he train you? A: My father started the company before he got married, so as far as I could remember, I have always been exposed to business. I was raised up thinking that I will one day run the business, so it became an […]
Q1: What is your volunteer organization involvement and what are the business benefits of joining them? A: I have been involved in volunteer organizations for nearly 25 years. Not counting school-based clubs, the first organization I joined was Junior Chamber International (JCI) in 1991. Back then, I was a fresh graduate eager to “conquer the world,” so to speak. I […]
Q1: Your foundation has been helping 30,000 children through some 17,000 regular donors. What fundraising strategies have proven effective for you? A: World Vision in the Philippines took the bold step of seeking donations from Filipinos inside malls. We were actually the first NGO here in the country to do this. Our staff asked mall-goers to “help a child go […]
Q1: Efficascent Oil is your single most saleable product with over P1 billion in sales from practically no advertising support. How did it reach its current legendary status? A: E.O is a 60-year-old brand today. In its first quarter of life, popularity stems from the fact that it was able to satisfy the need of consumers that time who prefers […]
Q1. How did you become an entrepreneur? Answer: Since 4th year high school, I was a working student attending to the day-to-day operations of my eldest brother’s mini grocery store. My brother trusted me even at a young age to do the merchandising of goods. Divisoria was a normal place for me to buy the goods, as the price there […]
Q1: Congratulations on the opening of Habitat in the Philippines. Can you tell us what is good design in the brand DNA of this European furniture brand? A1. Thank you. We are very excited with the opening of Habitat Manila and are very thankful to the positive response of the market. At Habitat, good design means beautiful, functional and affordable […]
Q6: What have you done to grow the business since becoming the new owner of Kamuning Bakery? A: Although it was sad that Kamuning Bakery’s operation had gone down and was scaled down through the years, and a lot of people have already forgotten it, I saw potential in its past, in its unique “pugon” ovens which the former owners […]
Q1: You are known to be in real estate. How did you get into the bakery business? A: I started out in real estate sales due to lack of capital, I’m now still in the real estate business both as a licensed broker and now also as realty investor. Yes, it was through a December 2013 real estate deal that […]
Q1: Why is your company name Crescom Biomedics? A: My resignation from Unilever Philippines to start my own business was a big risk for me. I wanted the company name to be a reminder to me of how I took that leap of faith and started from scratch all over again to pursue a dream. Cresco means “to grow, to […]
Q1: There are many crowded industries like food and fashion. What made you enter the retail fashion industry in 2005 when you were fresh from school? A: One of the reasons why I entered the fashion industry is that apart from my own love for dressing up, I wanted to help women boost their confidence. I wanted to give them […]