Q1: You work very hard. How did your childhood influence your work ethics today? A: I would always joke that while some of my classmates were born with a silver spoon, I was born with a wooden chopstick. I am a 4th generation OFW, my grandfather, aged 8, took a small rickety boat together with my great grandfather and braved […]
Q1: Back in college at De La Salle University, you were captain of the Debate Team (among other achievements) which won a national championship. When you graduated from La Salle, you became its Director of Placement, where you were quickly promoted from Placement Officer to Director level even when you were a fresh graduate. How did you choose your extracurricular activities […]
Q1: You have been with Mansmith for over 10 years, what was Mansmith like before and after you took over? A: Back when it was founded in 1990, Mansmith was inspired by a simple passion for learning – i.e., learning beyond textbooks, learning from experts, learning about what matters in business, among others. There was an opportunity for a training […]
Q1: Your had a ‘trinity’ policy of ‘no smoking, no drinking and a compulsory Bible study’ in your Laguna resort. What was the insight behind this unique policy? What made you soften on this policy? A: The “trinity policy” of no smoking, no drinking and a compulsory Bible study was made at the onset when Caliraya Resort Club was established. […]
Q1: You have come a long way from being a kid from Guimaras Island who was granted scholarship by the Ateneo de Manila University. Tell us how that changed things in your favor? A: I have always have big dreams when I was a kid so every chance I get, I try to grab it. Had a scholarship in high […]
Q1: You provide a relatively new Hi-Ace van with a lifter capability for wheelchair passengers. How did this pioneering van rental concept come about? A: The idea for the van started when my uncle Josiah Go accompanied my grandmother, who is confined to a wheelchair, to Macau. Since it was painful and inconvenient for her to be lifted from her […]
Q1: What has changed in how consumers select products or services and what does this mean to marketers? A: Consumers are now much more able to get information on a brand that is not necessarily what the brand owner wants to say about it. Consumers are much more able to share their experiences on a brand, good or bad, and […]
Q1. You have recently taken over the day-to-day operation of Microdata from your father. How did he train you? A: My father started the company before he got married, so as far as I could remember, I have always been exposed to business. I was raised up thinking that I will one day run the business, so it became an […]
Q1: What is your volunteer organization involvement and what are the business benefits of joining them? A: I have been involved in volunteer organizations for nearly 25 years. Not counting school-based clubs, the first organization I joined was Junior Chamber International (JCI) in 1991. Back then, I was a fresh graduate eager to “conquer the world,” so to speak. I […]
Q1: Your foundation has been helping 30,000 children through some 17,000 regular donors. What fundraising strategies have proven effective for you? A: World Vision in the Philippines took the bold step of seeking donations from Filipinos inside malls. We were actually the first NGO here in the country to do this. Our staff asked mall-goers to “help a child go […]