Clockwise: Backy Baquiran, Jeffrey Go, Joy Isla, Michael Tan Four senior executives were awarded for their excellence in mentorship at the 4th Mansmith Market Masters Awards. The award is the first and only mentoring recognition for senior marketers, based not on corporate performance, but on the winners’ mentoring of Mansmith Young Market Masters Awards (YMMA) recipients, the first and only […]

I have much to be grateful for the last two years: 1. I became a grandfather when my only daughter Tricia and her husband Rg brought my first grandson Leo into the world last April 2020. Now I am called JoeLo (my preference).  2. I retired from Waters Philippines and my youngest son Calel is now the CEO. He has […]

(Note: This speech was given in 2004 as a tribute to Dr. Ned Roberto, on his being bestowed the 1st Lifetime Achievement Award of the Association of Marketing Educators (AME). The author would like to share this as part of Mansmith and Fielders effort to encourage marketers to pay tribute to their mentors, a call made during the 4th Mansmith […]

At the recently concluded 16th Mansmith Young Market Masters Awards (YMMA), we asked three of the marketing rockstars to share about digital marketing. They are Mar Corazo, Global Digital Marketing Manager of Unilever Foods & Refreshments and YMMA Awardee for Digital Marketing, Kaye Enriquez, Partner of CBR and YMMA Awardee for Digital Business Building, and Marie Ces “Patet” de Guzman, Digital Marketing Manager of Primer […]

Day 8 Business Academy Foundation conducted a survey to determine the state of mind of SME business owners between June to August 2021. The organization administered the survey to entrepreneurs via email and among those who attended entrepreneurship related conferences and talks, such as the EntrepRescue Summit, the Globalinker platform of Union Bank, Continuum Academy’s Business Model course, and among those from […]

I blogged an article “Marketing Lessons For Presidential Candidates” ( a condensed version was also published by Inquirer as ‘Want to Win in the 2022 Elections?” last September 24, 2021. This is the follow up article. Some colleagues know that I wrote the 8-Point Test in Spotting Pyramiding Scams, officially adopted by the Direct Selling Association of the Philippines.  I was encouraged to have […]

Below are eight questions related to innovation, answerable with either “true” or “false.” Go ahead and answer them to test your Innovation IQ. 1. Innovation is the modern term for invention. 2. Innovation refers to the newness of something a company has launched. 3. The higher the R&D budget, the more innovative a company is. 4. The higher the number […]

Historically, winning a presidential election, like winning market leadership in the marketplace, entails a lot of mass media advertising to be top of mind. The basic idea is you convert positive thought leadership into market leadership.  Early presidentiable favorites in 2016, then Vice President Jejomar Binay and Senator Grace Poe landed number four and number three, respectively in the final tally, […]

Business people who were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and employees retrenched by companies trying to be operationally efficient need a way to earn substitute income. Those who want to help their spouses, as well as those needing to save money for healthcare or emergency contingencies are other viable target markets who can benefit from starting a multi-level marketing (MLM) […]

The White Space Club was founded in 2013 to function as a networking and ideation club between a diverse group of curious and eager minds – whether from marketing, HR, finance, engineering, creative, IT; whether millennials or senior citizens. This network encourages the sharing of different perspectives. At the July 7, 2021 club meeting, speaker RG Gabunada, a partner of […]

Josiah Go features the movers and shakers of the business world and writes about marketing, strategy, innovation, execution and entrepreneurship


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