In my previous post, I wrote about the MarkProf Foundation Inc. which has been honing deserving graduating student leaders through a life-changing 7-weekend boot camp in Marketing Leadership. Just recently, MarkProf made official its roster of “Top 25 Marketing Management Trainees of the Philippines” through the graduation of its 11th batch last December 6, 2014. Kudos to the MarkProf scholars who successfully passed the rigorous training.
On top of the mind-racing challenges, there was one exciting addition this year, a first in the MarkProf history – the Waters Video Challenge. Part of their overall grades would depend on creating a compelling short video featuring Waters Bio Mineral Pot, the leading home water purifiers in the premium segment.
With over 1 million units sold worldwide, the delicious-tasting Waters’ 3-in-1 mineral-alkaline-purifier helps make people healthy while saving them money. Imagine spending P200 a week in buying from water refill station, that’s P800 a month, P10,000 a year or P600,000 (US$13,000) in lifetime cost, offering a compelling reason to shift without too frequent change in filters unlike other brands.
The challenge for MarkProf students was to create exceptional content and execution that when combined, will make the video viral. Would people find it worthwhile enough to share the videos in their personal social media platforms? It was quite a dare, but one that was met and overcome.
I am proud to share the winning videos with you. Which one is your favorite? Feel free to hit the share button if you find them nice and relevant.
‘The More You Drink, The More You Save’ (by Karlo Herrera and Christine Villanueva
‘How much water do you drink?’ (by Karlo Herrera and Christine Villanueva)
‘Drink Up’ (by Nik Madrinan, Mariz Zubiri and Jesse Gloria)
The winners brought home one Waters Bio Mineral Pot each plus some cash prizes.
Waters Philippines has a second major product, the Noah Ion Cell Cleanse Foot Detox. It removes the toxins you don’t need in your body. This product was also designed for smokers, those who lack exercise, and those who overeat or like to eat foods with preservatives. Perfect for the Christmas season where everyone is more likely to overeat and not have time to exercise at all.
Would you like to bring home a Noah Ion Cell Cleanse unit (worth P33,800) FREE for your family? Send Waters Philippines a proposed short video (1-2 minutes) before making it, then share the video between Dec. 20, 2014 – Jan. 15, 2015. If you are chosen as a winner, you can bring home a Noah Ion Cell Cleanse. Waters will announce 3 winners before the end January.
This is open to all individuals (not groups). A third of the criteria is concept, another third is creativity, and the final third is number of shares and engagement on Facebook. No purchase necessary! You can visit for product details and get their address for a free foot detox session. Send them an email at for the full contest mechanics.