The White Space Club was founded in 2013 to function as a networking and ideation club between a diverse group of curious and eager minds – whether from marketing, HR, finance, engineering, creative, IT; whether millennials or senior citizens. This network encourages the sharing of different perspectives. At the July 7, 2021 club meeting, speaker RG Gabunada, a partner of Louder PH, shared 5 ways to see what others don’t: coincidences, contradictions, connections, curiosities, and creative desperation. After the brief talk, attendees were sent to breakout rooms for networking and discussion, and brainstorm ways to encourage more people to get vaccinated, this time using the Mansmith Innovation on Demand framework: plus, minus, multiply, divide, and combination.
Below is the output of the different groups, which may be of help to the government as well as corporations to improve our collective effort to attain herd mentality, eventually improving our economy. Note the output below was attained only in half an hour, including half of the time attendees spent introducing themselves and networking.
1. PLUS: What can be raised or created?
- Create an “Ask your Doc” campaign for higher believability. These doctors must be accessible and must not charge if people just want to ask opinions about vaccination.
- Encourage different medical associations, including the Philippine Medical Association, to issue a position paper on their views of vaccination.
2. MINUS: What can be reduced or removed?
- Reduce waiting time on vaccination day so people can return to what they are doing. Some people may have to take unpaid leave during vaccination dates (it may even be better to encourage employers to allow employees to take paid leaves on vaccination day.)
3. MULTIPLY: What can be enlarged or amplified?
- Offer incentives are attractive to demographics resisting vaccination.
- Communicate the rewards or benefits of vaccination (such as different ways to enjoy your personal freedom) much higher than the small risks.
4. DIVIDE: What can be subdivided or rearranged?
- Launch “Say YES to Vaccination” by using different role models, known leaders, celebrities, and influencers to promote benefits of vaccination in their market segments so followers can relate to them. This can help counter negative news and fake news, as well as instill the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO).
- Distribute execution plans to include a door-to-door campaign at the barangay level, encouraging people to register for vaccination.
5. COMBINATION: What can be combined or united?
- Ascertain then communicate after: “Did you know that the government will pay for vaccination injury?”
- Communication that getting sick is much more expensive than dying during the pandemic. “May pang hospital ka ba?”
The next Zoom club meeting of White Space Club will be on September 1, 2021. Check the Facebook page of White Space Club for details: https://www.facebook.com/whitespaceclub/
Disclaimer: All opinions expressed within this content are from attendees of White Space Club and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of the author or his affiliations.
Josiah Go is Chairman and Chief Innovation Strategist of Mansmith and Fielders Inc. He will run “Discovering, Innovating, and Shortlisting Opportunities” starting October 6, 2021. Kindly email info@mansmith.net for details
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