All Saints’ Day is a time when we pay our respects to those who have passed away. Here are 8 examples from around the world where companies have come up with creative ways to help people remember their loved ones.
- A company called Eter9, based in Delaware, has an innovative idea for people to “live” forever. They have created a digital version of a person using smart technology. This digital version can talk like the real person, using information from their social media posts and personality. Even after someone is gone, their digital self can still interact with friends and family online. This is a novel way to remember someone and feel close to them. Eter9 provides a virtual space for families and friends to gather, share stories, photos, and videos, and celebrate the happy moments of those who have passed away in this new online world.
- Mokshshil in India offers comprehensive, personalized, and professional funeral management services that serve as a one-stop solution. During a time when immediate family members are immersed in grief and mourning, they often find themselves burdened with arranging logistics, negotiating details, and even feeling regretful about quick decisions, leaving them with little time to grieve or bid their final farewell.
- The Bios Urn from Spain is an urn that turns the ashes of a loved one into a tree. Inside the urn is a seed that grows into a tree, symbolizing the circle of life. This is not only an eco-friendly but also a beautiful way to remember someone special.
- A company called Coeio in California has created the Infinity Burial Suit, also known as the mushroom burial suit. This special suit is made from 100% organic cotton and mushroom spores. It helps the body break down, cleanses toxins, and nourishes nearby plants. This suit is a great choice for those who want to contribute to the Earth even after they’ve passed away.
- Scattering Ashes is a UK-based company that offers unique services. They scatter ashes in peaceful places, such as water bodies, and even create jewelry with a portion of the ashes. It is a cost-effective way to remember someone and cherish their memory. Scattering Ashes also allows families to scatter ashes without being present at the ceremony.
- Elysium Space, based in San Francisco, does something extraordinary. They send a portion of a loved one’s ashes into space in a special capsule. When the capsule re-enters Earth’s atmosphere, it creates a bright display resembling a shooting star. This is a unique and beautiful way to remember someone by connecting them with the universe and the night sky.
- The Death Cafe movement originated in England. It provides a comfortable and casual space where people can openly discuss death and dying. These conversations help break the silence around death and make it easier to discuss.
- The Cryonics Institute based in Michigan offers a unique approach to remembering loved ones by freezing deceased humans and pets in liquid nitrogen with the hope of restoring them with advanced medical technology in the future.
As we celebrate All Saints’ Day and remember our loved ones, let’s continue to generate new ideas that help us remember them in meaningful ways. Let’s consider what new ideas will allow our legacy to endure for generations to come.
Josiah Go is the Chair and Chief Innovation Strategist of Mansmith and Fielders Inc.
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