Q1: You grew up and worked in the US. How did you get into the gaming software industry and work in the Philippines? A: Serendipity, actually. I was vacationing in Singapore and visiting my brother, when a High School friend asked me if I’d be willing to attend a gaming convention during that visit to canvass possible game development studios […]
Q1: Your first book on distributor management was an instant hit and even became a best-seller. You’re now launching a new book. Why on key account management? A: Many executives of companies who attended my key account management (KAM) seminars viewed key account management as a critical process to manage their relationships with strategically important customers. They are realizing more […]
Q1: You work very hard. How did your childhood influence your work ethics today? A: I would always joke that while some of my classmates were born with a silver spoon, I was born with a wooden chopstick. I am a 4th generation OFW, my grandfather, aged 8, took a small rickety boat together with my great grandfather and braved […]
Q1: Back in college at De La Salle University, you were captain of the Debate Team (among other achievements) which won a national championship. When you graduated from La Salle, you became its Director of Placement, where you were quickly promoted from Placement Officer to Director level even when you were a fresh graduate. How did you choose your extracurricular activities […]
Q1: You have been with Mansmith for over 10 years, what was Mansmith like before and after you took over? A: Back when it was founded in 1990, Mansmith was inspired by a simple passion for learning – i.e., learning beyond textbooks, learning from experts, learning about what matters in business, among others. There was an opportunity for a training […]
Q1: Your had a ‘trinity’ policy of ‘no smoking, no drinking and a compulsory Bible study’ in your Laguna resort. What was the insight behind this unique policy? What made you soften on this policy? A: The “trinity policy” of no smoking, no drinking and a compulsory Bible study was made at the onset when Caliraya Resort Club was established. […]
Q1: You have come a long way from being a kid from Guimaras Island who was granted scholarship by the Ateneo de Manila University. Tell us how that changed things in your favor? A: I have always have big dreams when I was a kid so every chance I get, I try to grab it. Had a scholarship in high […]
Q1: You provide a relatively new Hi-Ace van with a lifter capability for wheelchair passengers. How did this pioneering van rental concept come about? A: The idea for the van started when my uncle Josiah Go accompanied my grandmother, who is confined to a wheelchair, to Macau. Since it was painful and inconvenient for her to be lifted from her […]
Q1: What has changed in how consumers select products or services and what does this mean to marketers? A: Consumers are now much more able to get information on a brand that is not necessarily what the brand owner wants to say about it. Consumers are much more able to share their experiences on a brand, good or bad, and […]
Q1. You have recently taken over the day-to-day operation of Microdata from your father. How did he train you? A: My father started the company before he got married, so as far as I could remember, I have always been exposed to business. I was raised up thinking that I will one day run the business, so it became an […]