Atty. Teresita Herbosa is the Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) tasked to implement two major laws, the Corporation Code, where they act as the registrar and monitor of all corporations and partnerships, and the Securities Regulation Code (SRC), where they regulate securities and capital markets. According to the Direct Selling Association of the Philippines (DSAP), many new […]

Q1: What is insighting and why should all companies, even small ones, generate insight? A: An insight is a latent consumer truth that brings about strong emotions (due to its relevance to the target segment). When clearly linked to the brand, an insight has the power to make consumers seriously consider a brand because it shares the same emotions and values as they have. It […]

Q1: Back in college at De La Salle University, you were captain of the Debate Team (among other achievements) which won a national championship. When you graduated from La Salle, you became its Director of Placement, where you were quickly promoted from Placement Officer to Director level even when you were a fresh graduate. How did you choose your extracurricular activities […]

Q1: You have been with Mansmith for over 10 years, what was Mansmith like before and after you took over? A: Back when it was founded in 1990, Mansmith was inspired by a simple passion for learning – i.e., learning beyond textbooks, learning from experts, learning about what matters in business, among others. There was an opportunity for a training […]

Q1: Your had a ‘trinity’ policy of ‘no smoking, no drinking and a compulsory Bible study’ in your Laguna resort. What was the insight behind this unique policy? What made you soften on this policy? A: The “trinity policy” of no smoking, no drinking and a compulsory Bible study was made at the onset when Caliraya Resort Club was established. […]

Josiah Go features the movers and shakers of the business world and writes about marketing, strategy, innovation, execution and entrepreneurship


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