As we ease into yet another lockdown we would like to extend a helping hand to SME business owners during this time. Courtesy of the Josiah and Carolina Go Foundation, which has been 100% funded from Mansmith book sales, we are giving away P1 million worth of scholarships to Continuum Academy and Day 8 Business Academy Foundation.

Both platforms are part of the Mansmith Training Group.
Day 8 Business Academy Foundation is an advocacy which offers short online training courses at accessible price points to give SME business owners access to knowledge from top mentors to improve their development.
We are accepting 500 scholars. Apply for a scholarship here: https://bit.ly/D8Scholar

Continuum Academy is the online learning platform of Mansmith and Fielders dedicated to world-class learning, and officially endorsed by the DTI and Go Negosyo. It houses Josiah Go’s Business Model Course and Conference, plus other related courses.
We are accepting 200 scholars. Apply for a scholarship here: https://bit.ly/CONTINUUMKTG

To further assist SMEs and entrepreneurs, we are holding a FREE #EntrepRescue Summit and e-book launch on August 11, 2021 at 1:00PM. The event will be bringing together Mansmith Young Market Masters Awards (YMMA) winners as they share actionable tips for SMEs and entrepreneurs based on real experiences during their one-on-one consultation with SMEs.
Register here: https://day8.org/product/entreprescue-summit/

As we enter a new month, do use our advocacies to make the most of this time and learn and get new ideas so you can continue the year stronger.

P.S. Thank you for all your support for our advocacy initiatives. As funding for these comes from our book sales, if you would like to support us, you can purchase a copy of your choice from Shopee and Lazada, or in National Bookstore branches.

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