About the same time last year, I was invited by the Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines (FINEX) at their annual conference held at Shangri-La at The Fort to share the learning and development innovations instituted by Mansmith and Fielders Inc. I was featured in ‘Learn to Rock’, the session on education and how this has sparked innovation and creativity together with Dr. Jikyeong Kang, President and Dean of the Asian Institute of Management, and Bro. Armin Luistro, President of the De La Salle Philippines who both had impressive ideas, as well.
It was my first presentation as the new Chief Innovation Strategist of Mansmith and Fielders Inc., and shared the 8 innovations where I was involved from formulation to launch.
1) From generalist to specialist
Most seminar companies are generalist, offering many different seminars. Mansmith and Fielders Inc decided to limit its offering to only marketing, sales, strategy, and innovation, with over 70 different courses, the widest in the world. This includes many seminars that are only available in Mansmith and Fielders. Check out its most extensive courses in www.mansmith.net
2) From product innovation to business model innovation
Mansmith and Fielders Inc is not just a learning institution, it is active in helping the marginalized. In fact, 100% of the proceeds from its marketing book sales go to charity.
3) From functional to emotional benefit
Unlike most training and consulting companies offering only functional benefit, Mansmith and Fielders Inc. offers emotional and social benefit as well, practicing what it preaches proactively.
The Mansmith Young Market Masters Awards (YMMA, www.youngmarketmasters.com), launched in 2006, is the first and only annual recognition in the Philippines celebrating marketing achievements of young marketers and entrepreneurs 35 years old and younger.
The Mansmith Market Masters Awards (MMMA, www.marketmasters.com.ph), launched in 2015, on the other hand, is the first and only bi-annual recognition in the Philippines celebrating outstanding mentorship of senior marketers and CEOs as exclusively nominated by YMMA winners.
4) From profit to social enterprise
Mansmith and Fielders Inc. launched a social enterprise, Day 8 Business Academy for SMEs (www.day8.org), in 2010, to help the small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs).
No entrepreneur losing money is turned away. Understanding when entrepreneurs need help immediately and removing any bureaucracies; the program associate of Day 8 Business Academy for SMEs has the authority to approve request from simple disclosure of sales and profit of applicants. Sales quotas also vary and the program associate derives it from the number of scholars (attending for free), which is 50% of the class, encouraging the staff to proactively search for these struggling entrepreneurs that need assistance.
5) From learning provider to resume equalizer
Mansmith and Fielders Inc co-founded the annual Markprof Leadership Bootcamp (www.markprof.org) in 2004. This advocacy program annually gathers graduating marketing students in the university level. From an average of 1,000 applicants nationwide, the Top 25 are identified after a meticulous screening process. They are then admitted to an extensive 7-Saturday training conducted by knowledge partners and a dream team of speakers. Click https://josiahgo.com/15-facts-you-didnt-know-about-markprof/ for more info about Markprof.
6) From seminar producer to social network
White Space Club was founded on November 14, 2013 to function as a networking + ideation club among a diverse group of curious and eager minds – marketing, HR, finance or entrepreneurs; artists or IT; millennials or senior citizens. The network encourages sharing of different perspectives.
7) From giving answers to asking questions
I started a marketing blog (www.josiahgo.com) on May 9, 2014 using an interview format, after scanning the usual articles format written by all business columnists and bloggers sharing their personal opinions in major publications. Instead of the usual personal opinions, the Q&A format stood out allowing guest experts to give their opinions, which also allowed readers to know how top executives and successful entrepreneurs think, strategize and execute. By August 15, 2014, Inquirer, the leading broadsheet in the Philippines, started cross posting, which therefore expanded the reach of my blog to a larger base of readers.
8) From lecturer to tool provider
Mansmith and Fielders shared a framework, ‘Innovation on demand’ in one of its many innovation seminars. Patterned after math equations plus (+), minus (-), multiply (c), divide (/) and combination (fusion of +, -, x, /).
For instance, under plus (+), Mansmith and Fielders Inc added the Mansmith Young Market Masters Awards (YMMA) expanding from functional to include emotional and social benefits to its target market. Under minus (-), Mansmith disrupted the hotel venue by buying its own training centers for two of their subsidiaries: Sensei Business Academy and Day 8 Business Academy for SMEs, allowing these subsidiaries to price lower without much overheads.
Under multiply (x), aside from having over 70 marketing, sales, strategy and innovation courses building the widest specialized offering in the world, Mansmith launched ten annual conferences from several hundreds to thousands in attendance. Under divide (/), Mansmith divided its focus on two different target markets each with totally different market mix, Mansmith and Fielders Inc. targeting the Top 1,000 Corporations while Day 8 Business Academy focusing on the SMEs.
Finally under ‘Combination’, it co-founded Markprof Leadership Bootcamp as well as launched various books, dividing projects for business, to projects with social impact.
Mansmith Innovation Awards:
Mansmith and Fielders Inc. will recognize the top innovators of the Philippines in 2020. Visit www.mansmithinnovation.com if you would like to nominate your company or another party.
Mansmith Innovation Courses:
Mansmith and Fielders Inc. has six innovation courses where participants and companies can learn how to innovate.
1. Mastering Innovation – introduction to innovation
2. Intrapreneurship (through its division on leadership, COACH) – introduction to corporate innovation
3. Business Model Innovation – innovation using the ten building blocks of a business model
4. Market-Driving Strategy – innovating to target new demand and increase market penetration
5. Marketing Innovation: Developing Marketing Mix Alternatives – innovating the alternatives of product, price, channel, advertising, sales promotions, public relations and selling effort.
6. Service Innovation – innovating the way customer service is given to key customers.
Please email info@mansmith.net to know how Mansmith and Fielders Inc can help you create an innovation tournament in your company.
(Josiah Go is the most awarded business educator in the Philippines. He is the first and only Filipino recipient of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) of the World in the business education category. Josiah is the first Blue Ocean Strategy-qualified and certified facilitator in the Philippines, and is an executive scholar in marketing and sales of Kellogg Business School and of strategy and innovation in Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Sloan School of Management. He took advanced marketing programs in Harvard, Wharton and the London Business School. He is Chairman or Director of 12 corporations.)
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Learn from award-winning Master Innovators and Enterprise Innovators at the very first Mansmith Innovation Summit and Awards to be held on March 3-4, 2021. Groups of 2 or more can register at an Early Bird Rate of PHP 888+vat per individual until February 17. Enroll you and your teams now: https://www.bit.ly/MansmithInnovation