In June 2017, I launched a pioneering seminar “5 Skills of Master Strategists” after finding commonalities in the successful approaches of CEOs when in comes to strategy formulation and execution. The 5 skills are sensemaking, innovating, influencing, executing and discovering. I started interviewing CEOs, CMOs and award-winning young marketers in my blog since May 9, 2014, although I have featured dozens of […]
Search Results for: Business
Continuum Academy Inc., the online learning subsidiary of Mansmith and Fielders Inc., was launched last March 19, 2020 with its maiden offering, a free course on “Marketing During Corona Virus”. Over three thousand marketers and entrepreneurs were in attendance despite having only a two day-notice. While going into online digital learning was already in the pipeline of Mansmith as one […]
David versus Goliath is a popular story in the Bible (1 Samuel 17) where the underdog David won in the Valley of Elah, in spite of the odds against him. The giant Goliath challenged the Israelites to single combat mornings and evenings for forty days disturbing them while they were in their prayers. The Israelites ran away in terror each time […]
I saw an announcement of Unilever Philippines allocating P1 billion as cash flow relief for vulnerable customers, plus early payment for financially-constrained small suppliers. Here is one company who understands and empathizes with small entrepreneurs, even anticipating their needs, and creating more certainty for the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) during these trying times. I, for one, would buy more of […]
It began with an infrastructure – a Viber group that allowed over 100 Acropolis homeowners to communicate about things of interest to the community, some of which required fast decision making, or needing discussion on important matters that affected every one. Eventually, more and more homeowners were asking each other for referrals in that online community, leading to the offering […]
Chris Lim is the President of U-Franchise and Chief Executive Officer of Francorp Philippines, the largest franchise brokerage company and franchise consulting company in the Philippines, respectively. Chris won the 2019 Agora Awards for entrepreneurship (medium-scale). In this Q&A, he gives a guideline of the factors to consider before recommending franchisors and franchisees to sign a deal together. Q1: When […]
Rex Daryanani is the President of Funtastic International Inc., an importer and distributor of toys, accessories, and other fun products. He is also the President of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce Philippines (FICCI) since 2016. Following the move to legalize the operations of micro lenders, he shares about the state of microlending activities of Indians in the Philippines. […]
Dr. Charles Go (Go Sing Tian), my late father, used to share many Chinese values to me. Some of which are: 1. Kao Pwe (relationship/networking) 2. Sin Yong (credit worthiness) 3. Shieng Ta Chi Po (be one step ahead) 4. Ham Ham (be gracious and give way) They are useful in business. In fact, he used to share business lessons in the dinner […]
I have recently been invited to give a talk to school owners and principals on “How to Market Your School” and part of my talk was about the “Certified Marketing Teacher” (CMT) program, one of the advocacies of Mansmith and Fielders Inc. (Full disclosure: I am Chairman.) After the said session, many requested if I can help and share the same to […]
“Josiah Go’s ‘Marketing Strategy and Plans’ is the longest-running marketing strategy seminar in the Philippines. On its 107th batch, it was totally reinvented with ALL NEW cases and a new title ‘Right to Win, Play to Win: The Best of Marketing Decision Making’. The Right to Win, Play to Win quadrant can help marketers, strategists, business owners and executives determine […]