Celebrating 10 Years with Gratitude

As August 2024 comes to a close, I’m filled with immense gratitude and reflection. It’s been a decade since I started this blogging journey, and I couldn’t have reached this milestone without your unwavering support.

I’m deeply touched by the feedback I’ve received over the years. Some of you follow and read my posts religiously every Friday, which means the world to me. Others have shared my content within your departments, spreading the insights we discuss here. I’m also honored to be considered a leading business thought leader by many of you.

A special thanks to my daughter, Tricia Gosingtian, who inspired me to blog. Her encouragement have been a constant source of motivation.

Thank you for being such an integral part of this journey. Your engagement, feedback, and encouragement have been the driving force behind everything I do here. Each comment, share, and visit has contributed to the growth and success of this blog.

Here’s to many more years of sharing insights, stories, and conversations. I’m excited for what the future holds and look forward to continuing this journey with you. Your support truly touches my heart.

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Q&A with Martin Gonzalez on Startup Success (Part 2)

Thu Aug 29 , 2024
Martin Gonzalez is the co-creator of Google’s Effective Founders Project, a global research program that decodes the factors enabling startup founders to succeed. He also works closely with Google’s engineering and research leaders on organization design, leadership, and cultural challenges. Martin has advised leaders across the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia. He teaches and collaborates on research at the world’s elite […]

Josiah Go features the movers and shakers of the business world and writes about marketing, strategy, innovation, execution and entrepreneurship


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