I asked 50 award-winning marketing rockstars, most of whom are Mansmith Young Market Masters Awardees, about what they do to improve both their creative thinking and sensemaking skills. Travel turned out to be one of the most often cited commonalities among them. Traveling to another city or country allows one to see new things, to develop new perspectives, to be […]
Unmet Needs: I saw an unmet need some 25 years ago – marketing students using foreign textbooks with examples they can hardly relate with, so I decided to launch my first marketing book, ‘Contemporary Marketing Strategy in the Philippine Setting’. Banking on Strengths: I was an unknown 30-year old author in 1992, but I had three credentials I could bank […]
Want to be an entrepreneur with your good idea but lacking the resources? YSESU may be the answer! Gosingtian Ventures Inc. (angel investor) and Day 8 Business Academy Inc. (training for MSMEs) have teamed up to help aspiring entrepreneurs succeed. If you have: a dream to be entrepreneur a humble family background a defined social or consumer problem a novel […]
I attended the 18th Harvard Social Enterprise Conference last March 25-26, 2017 sponsored by the Harvard Kennedy School and the Harvard Business School in Massachusett, USA. Here are 10 lessons I would like to share and a call to action: Society has many problems. It is our responsibility to help and empower the marginalized and vulnerable groups. Choose one field, focus […]