Q1: Can you share with us the brand DNA of Belle de Jour (BDJ) Power Planner? How does it differ from your Navi Planner?
The target market of Belle de Jour Power Planner is the 20-35 year old female working professional. She balances multiple roles in her life. She has a strong desire to achieve and do things in style. The insight behind the product is essentially: “There are a million and one things I need to do, and I want to achieve so much. I need a tool that will help me reach my goals.”
Belle de Jour Power Planner’s personality is gorgeous, fashionable, smart, resourceful, principled, and lives a balanced lifestyle. The power planner’s spirit is giving a sense of achievement and inspiration to do great things. This spirit also comes from the knowledge that it’s being used by like-minded women who have similar challenges and are in pursuit of the same goal.
Belle de Jour Power Planner promises to help you live life to the fullest. It provides this by using time management principles in a practical layout. It includes guides, special pages and tools to help manage your multiple roles. Of course, there is a very active involvement of the users themselves in the development of the power planner.
In essence, Belle de Jour Power Planner, as a witness to your life, is your best friend in achieving more in life.
Navi, Your Life Navigator talks to a wider market, expands to both men and women from 25-45, also working professionals. But amidst the fast-paced lifestyles nowadays, he needs from time to time to check where he stands. Like a navigator, checking his compass, he needs to know what’s important before he heads forward to his destination.
The Navigator is unafraid of uncertainty. He lives in the present and has very high self-awareness. He know he has a lot to do, but has the sense of calm, as he remembers that the journey is as important as the destination. He believes that life is made up of moments.
Navi, Your Life Navigator reminds you about living in the now– exploring places, times, experiences, belonging in that moment. It’s about seeing life as one big adventure. In essence, Navi is your life’s compass that reminds you to relish the journey.
Q2:How did the brand DNA help you in planning your strategy?
The brand DNA helps our team focus the identity of each of our products, from the design to the execution, so it remains consistent year on year. The personality of the brand has to extend to the target market to maintain its relevance. It also guides our brand and line extensions.
Q3: What would you like BDJ and Navi to be ten years from now?
Ten years from now, we envision BDJ as a great society for empowered women. We have lots of organizations for accomplished women, but we don’t have yet an organization that will help women achieve. We hope BDJ will fill up that hole, as the brand continues to create products that help women live life to the fullest.
Navi, 10 years from now, will still be about moments and living in the present. But definitely, we will have more active efforts in creating “moments” for our users, as we explore and travel together with our fellow navigators.