Author / co-author of 16 bestselling marketing books
- Contemporary Marketing Strategy in the Philippine Setting (1992)
- Marketing Mix Strategy in the Philippine Setting (1993)
- The Marketing Mentors (1993)
- Marketing 101: An A to Z Guide (1994)
- Marketing Plan: Building The Profitable Preferred Brand (1997 & 2012 2nd edition)
- Marketing Excellence in Good Times and Bad (1998, co-edited with Dr. Ned Roberto and Jose Faustino)
- Build, Grow and Sustain Your Network Marketing Distributor Business (2000)
- Marketing Shift: From Basics to Breakthroughs (2001, editor)
- Fundamentals of Marketing in the Philippine Setting (2001 & 2010 2nd edition)
- The Direct Selling Entrepreneurial Mindset (2002)
- The W.E. Entrepreneurs: Understanding The 5 Tasks and 5 Treasures of Entrepreneurs (2010)
- The Rainmakers: Marketing and Strategy Lessons from 25 Top CEOs (2017)
- Principles and Practices in Marketing in the Philippines Setting (2017)
- The Mansmith Mentors List : The 8 P’s of Marketing (2018)